About Me

I am a user experience designer working across various media, disciplines, and industries. I help product & marketing teams create better experiences through user centered design + brand strategy + open collaboration.

Leban Hyde | Profile Pic
Leban Hyde
Designer. Thinker. Alchemist.
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My Approach

User Centered Design

Know your users to understand their needs. Meet their needs to create a delightful experience.

Brand Strategy

Align your business goals with the users’ needs to help create a more successful brand.

Open Collaboration

Work together and share knowledge as a cross-functional team to deliver the best results.

Find out more about my skills and experience on LinkedIn or download a current version of my résumé.

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Work I've Done

I use research, design, and evaluation to connect user needs with business goals within the constraints of technology.

See examples of my work on Behance, Dribbble, or GitHub.

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My Process


I ask questions. Lots of them. I conduct internal interviews to understand your product, service, and organization. I also talk to your users and customers. The best way to find out what people need and how they’re interacting with your brand is to go straight to the source.


I create the necessary artifacts with the necessary tools for the ultimate deliverable of a better user experience. Some of those artifacts might be site maps, userflows, wireframes, and prototypes created with anything from pen & paper to HTML/CSS/JS.


Embracing the idea that the design is a hypothesis, it will have to be tested. I’ll test before to set a baseline and I’ll test after to evaluate the changes. By working iteratively, I’ll fold the findings back into the research and adjust the design as needed.

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Notes I've Written

I like to write about what I do and have published several pieces here.

You can check out the archives or sign up for my weekly dispatch.

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Contact Me

If you have more questions about what I do or have a project you would like to collaborate on, I’d love to hear from you!

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